Sunday, September 16, 2007

Week #2 Grocery Shopping

Week 2's grocery shopping led to a food bill of 83.61. There were some great sales here on brocoli, cauliflower and chicken breast. I really think we are doing pretty well considering that I bought $22.00 worth of chicken (which should last quite awhile).

We did spend $22.00 on food at the Johnny Appleseed festival, though. So with our little bit of surplus carryover from last week we have only about $10.00 left in the food budget. Paul is going out to lunch with a friend this Wednesday, so most of it will be used then.

I also told you last week that I had bought the large package of spinach. We didn't manage to use all of it, despite my best efforts to include spinach in nearly every meal. So today, before the spinach spoiled, I froze the remainder of the spinach. This week I will be sneaking broccoli and cauliflower into all of our meals.

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