Saturday, September 8, 2007

An evening out

Last night was a scheduled date night. So Paul and I hit the town with great gusto. Or something like that. We had dinner at our favorite little diner, where the food is good and the decor has not been updated since the 1970s (think paisley).

Our total dinner bill came to about $13 including the tip. Paul and I had a debate about how to count the tip for the budget (we left a $3 tip on a $10 meal). We decided to count it all (Paul's opinion), rather than my opinion that only the mandatory 15% should count.

After dinner we went for a walk in a nearby park until dark. Then Paul wanted to go to our favorite coffee shop to play checkers. Ouch!! All my scrimping and saving doesn't seem so valuable when you end up buying a tall blended chai for $3. Oh well. There's not much left in the budget for the rest of the week. So we may end up regretting our splurge. All in all we will say that our date was a $20 hit to the food budget.

So this morning for breakfast I fixed oatmeal, warmed up some leftovers. And topped it off with a plate of spinach.

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